Friday, January 7, 2011

4 Men Assualt Disbaled women

LA COurty sherriffs investigators make a public appeal Thursday seeking four men who were iedeo taped sexually assaulting @ least 10 women who appear physicaly  disabl3eed and liiving in an extended care home.

AN anonymous tipster dropped of the video lost March @ the Sheriffs Department headquaters in a MOnterey Park ,California.

THe cvideo was shot by a seciurty camera atnd a hand held camera. One video shows a victim wa3ring a diaper while  in a wheelchair,.

Sgt.DIan Hecht told CNN that the detectives are :"starting from scratch" in the sexual assualt vcase.

"we have victims aned we just don't knpw oif the assaults are continuing. We have four suspects and we need the publics help to find these men and bring them into custody.

"this is extrememly serious. These women are developmentally disabled. It's awful to take advantage of anyone but especially someone who could not defend thenmselves" police said.

100 hours of video shows at least 10woemn being sexually assaulted by at leat 8 mden and investigaotrs were able to complete drawing of at least 4 of the menl.

"The extremely disturbing videos are no t being show to the public, but there are photos from portions of the video are being released in an effort to identifu some of the suspects.

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