Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lil Boosie on Murder Charges

Rapper little Bossie will aoppear in court today (Jan 12) to face murder charges on a 2009 murder.

Boosie was indicted for taking part in the murder of Terry Boyd,35, @ the time of his death of OCtober 2009.

According to prosecutors, the civtim was shot through a window in his home.

Lil Bossie and Marlo Mike are facing the death penalty.

It;s really sad to see how wrong decisions can change ur life forever.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

you know i can't stand Sarah Palin

She says she hates violence but she enjoys shooting innocnet animals. i can't stand her. If she runs for presient i'll shoot myslef.and that should make everyone happy. fuk her!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Man Arrested for Beating Grandmother to Death

Papers report that a man has been put in jail for beating his 92 year old grandmother to death.

authorities say TheorThodor"Ted" Cornewll Lockett,21,once lived with his grandmother, Dorothy Lockqood in her Apchi Trail home..

Polive say Lockett came back to the home in the early hours of Sunday morning. He broke awindow and confronted his grandmother in her living room. HE then began assaulting her, knocking her to the ground and struck her several times with a glass table

Lockett then called his mother Sandra Lockett and told her that he killed his grandmother and was going to kill her to. He then went back into the house and began beating her with a microwave.

Polive arrived and Lockett surrendered inside the home. Mrs. Lockwood died of her injuries.

He was booked on charges of murder,aggravated assault,burglary and making death threats.

Mike Epps Sued for 1 Million Dollars

Mike Epps is being sued for punching a camera man in the face back in November.

The victim says Mike's friends then beinga shooting at him as he tried to get away.


Rihanna Breaks Record History

The singer made UK pop chart history by becoming the first female solo artist to acheive five numb1 singles in consecutive years.

Coolio - Gangster's Paradise (Official HQ)

Sudan to be it's own Country

Thousands of people in Southern Sudan went to vote Sunday in a historifc referendum for an international election. One observer said it was wel handled.

:there were very, very large numbers in the early morning and all day long", says David Carroll, director of the Democracy PRogram. "they were waiting patiently, they were in a a happy celebratory mood. They went through the process in an orderly way. LArgely We saw a very meaning ful,important process that the southern Sudanese are engaging with alot of passion.

When the polls openede @ 8 am many Sudanese's had already been standing in line for hours to cast their ballot.

Those who were still in line at 5pm were alooowed to remain there until they were able to vvote.

"WHat;'s more important than the voting is s that it means that the Sudanese are ready to move into a new era.

Well that's nice to see. Isteade of picketing, and riots we see a part of Africa being civilized people . Maybe there is hope after all. :)

Who shot Ya? - Notorious B.I.G

Who shot ya nigga??!

Biggie smalls - juicy

Rap would be so much better and drifferent if bigggie smalls was still here. He and Tupac wouldnt have let it turn to shit like it has. HOP HOP IS DEAD. R.I.P. love u biggie.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


So u think u can dance?? haha

Mila Kunis on Craig Ferguson

After dumping lontime BF Macualy ulkin she madea an appearance on the Craig Ferguson show.

Apparently ythere is a lesbian scene that has been getting as much press and the movie itself.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

NIcki Minaj on Joan Rivers

The rapper Nicki MInaj can be seen everywhere, but last nite we found her on Joan Rivers show Fashion POlice.

NIcki tried her hand @ playing "Starlet of Street Walker", a gamein which celebrities faces are blurred out but therir questionaable outfits are not.

There's nothing much i can say about Nicki's hair.

More Mel & Oksana News

At qan emergency hearing, Mel Gibsons lawyer asked the judge to immeadiatly strip Oksana Grigoreiva of custody of baby Lucia.

Sources for the hearing was due to TMZs story the day before., they said Okana  claimed in ehr depostion last week that mel beat her in order to get arounsed dring sex. (Real low blow Oksana).

Mel aned his lawyers were outraged and said Oksanas team leaked the news. Mel's lawyer Stephen Kolodny asked the judge Scot Gordon to take away custody away from Oksana on grounds that she acted maliciously, not in the best interest of baby Lucia.

TMZ;s sources say Kolondy aked Judge Scott Gordon for an immediate ruling but the judge refused, setting the matter for a full hearing the next month.

Prisoners wife Suing A&E

Th wife of a prisoner inmate is suiing the TV network A&E, saying the network falsley make ita ppear that she was smuggling drugs to her husband by hididng drugs in her vagina.

Malorita Battle says that she wwas minding her own business busy with her husband a@ he RiverBEnd State PRoison in Tennesee without knowing a fcrew for the show "THe Squad PRison Police" was secretly filiming her.

THough she says nothing happend during her visit when A&E already aired the show they made her look like a drug smuggler. Battle claims the episode featured a member of the prison police squad describing how outsiders smuggle drugs by hiding them inside thier body cavities.

Battle says images of her were all over the screen as squad members described how women often hide drugs in their vaginas.

Battle is suing A&E along with WIld Eyes Productions for $75,000 in damages ane $300,000 in punitive damaages.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Is it OK to Cheer for MIcahel Vick?

Michael CVick,with the greatest comeback story-the largest ongoing rehabliltiation makes his comeback Sunday nitre.

It's beem more than 19 moths since Vicks release from jail in Kansas, on his dogfighting conviction.  WIthin 2 edays in e December, the president of the United states craongradulated Philidelohia Eagles owner  for giving Vick a second chan=ce.A FOc NEws analisyst say that Vick should have been executed for his crimes.

4 Men Assualt Disbaled women

LA COurty sherriffs investigators make a public appeal Thursday seeking four men who were iedeo taped sexually assaulting @ least 10 women who appear physicaly  disabl3eed and liiving in an extended care home.

AN anonymous tipster dropped of the video lost March @ the Sheriffs Department headquaters in a MOnterey Park ,California.

THe cvideo was shot by a seciurty camera atnd a hand held camera. One video shows a victim wa3ring a diaper while  in a wheelchair,.

Sgt.DIan Hecht told CNN that the detectives are :"starting from scratch" in the sexual assualt vcase.

"we have victims aned we just don't knpw oif the assaults are continuing. We have four suspects and we need the publics help to find these men and bring them into custody.

"this is extrememly serious. These women are developmentally disabled. It's awful to take advantage of anyone but especially someone who could not defend thenmselves" police said.

100 hours of video shows at least 10woemn being sexually assaulted by at leat 8 mden and investigaotrs were able to complete drawing of at least 4 of the menl.

"The extremely disturbing videos are no t being show to the public, but there are photos from portions of the video are being released in an effort to identifu some of the suspects.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

India.Arie - Ready For Love

Sugar Baby Inc.

My beautiful cousin hanedmakes these necklaces with her own two hands...they surley are peices of work...feel free to visit her site.:)

sugar baby inc.

Police shoot man in wheelchair

Officers resoided to reprots of a man vandaliziing city vehicles in between 10th and AHowareat about 20 25 aml. aThe spot waws right nest to the Sahn FDarancisco EHlath Serives.

THe man iuses a wheelchair but was not confied to a wheelchair. H was seen  up and walking withoust his whell chair a nuber of times.

THE suspect had a knif3e and a rock in his hand and was slashing tires.

Cheinge whoreported the cincident did not know the motives of the disabled emanl. When the susoect refusee to surrender and was shot wuth a hand gun.

TGhe officer and the suspeft were tajen tooot the hospital fir life threatenings.

THe and i wethe whelel chair stahbbed a plain clothed police officer in  the shouler.

The San Franciso homocie unit, internal affairs and the district attorneys offife are all investigeting the incident..

The San Fransico

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Montell Williams Caught with Marijuana Pipe

Montell WIllimas retired talk show host. was caught with a marijuana pipe while in the airport. He has Miltiple Sclerosis and carries a medical marijuana card. Hw was not charged. GO MONTELL!

More details in Zahra Bakers Death

The stepmother of Zahra Baker ,10, told police she was killed 2 weeks before she was reorted missing,.

Stepmother Elisa Baker also told police Nort Caolina police thqat the disabled girls body was disposed ot the next day, Spetmeber 25 in various locations.

She also reported that the girls father, Adam Baker dismembered her body and then disposed oof the remains,

Awlisa bajker has been charged w. obstruction of justice for writing a fake ransom note--no one has been charged dierectly in the girls death.

Police found some of Zahras remians on November 11, just over a month after she was reported missing.

Adam Baker denies being invoovlved in Zahras disappearance and tearfully calle d for his daughters return.

Police also reported taht Zahrah had been raped by 2 men and that she had blood on her provates and her legs  .

Adam Baker was finally arrested in late OCtober in nearby Catawaba County on 8 charges: five counts of writing bad checks and 3 counts of not appearing in court.
Authoirities state that the charges are unrelated  to Zahra's disappearance.

My Crush,,...the man i want to marry :)

Too bad he's with Cuddy now :(

Rihanna rings in the New YEar

Rihanna counted down to 2011 @ PURE in Las Vegas. Can u guess what song the DDJ played. He played :the only girl in the World.

Rihanna u are my girtl..i love u!

Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World)

Let's make a Deal

The guy who owns the bong that Myley Cyrus smoked from is now selling it..thinking he can cash in 5 figures for it.

DOn't hold ur breath.

IF it was up to me I'd keep it.

pics from TMZ>com

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Personal Story

I remember the time i spent 3 months in a mental institution. I had a nervous break down due to the the abuse i suffered from my ex we'll call Carl.

We had been fighting often. I was accusing him of cheating on me with other women. He denied it but in my heart i knew. And i apologize if he wesnt',. Anywyas , in retaliation to my accusations he  smothered me with a pillow and stuffed a rag in my mouth. I thought i was surley gonna die. I couldn't breath. I foufght like a muther fucker and he finally let me go. I passed out for about 3 minutes due to lack of oxygen,. I asked him why he didn't just slit my throat if he wanted to kill me and he said he didn't like blood.

I cried and cried for my momma. I cried cuz he wanted to kill me.

Little did i know that time i was sufereing form the early symptoms of paranoid skitzophrenia.. ( Now if u don't know what that is it's where u hear voices have racing thoughts and suffer from delusions. It was not fun. Every day and nite i was sure someone was going to break into the apartment and kill me. or rape me..

The fighting and abuse didn't stooop there. He would beat me so bad that i saw stars. he actually did UFC like ch hold on me so i couldn't breath. He had a thing for putting is hands over my nose and mouth so i couldn't take a breath, I hated that feeling and fought back. i finally started fighting back and that scared him. He thought i was gonna kill him and i had good reason.ole

A few days later i ahd a nervous breakdown and begged the hospital to take me in. I told them i was hearing things like laughing when i was all alone and i heard my mothers voice. No one was around. so i was obviously hearing things. The hospital said to get down there immediately. They made me sign a contract stating i would stay for at least 3 months or until i was better.

I was suffereing from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of the attempts at my life.

I was so paranoid i thought he was poisoning me. That made the doctors think i w was crazy but im sure he was.

I have been dealing with paranoid skitzophrenia now for about 6 years. It's a disease that's rarley talked about and is hard for outsiders to understand. I still hear things and am still very paranoid.. I almost always look over my shoulder and always think someones going to break into my house and kill me. Its from the voilent life i've lived since i was a child. I don't trust anyone. Just my few close friends that are so far away. They give me great support and i love them very much.

My skitzophrenia is well managed i'm on heavy medications to deal with the racing thoughts and voices..

Being 30 years old i'm much more kind, less shy and withdrawn. I don't consider myself a peice of shit anymore;I'm a very spec ail person with a huge heart.  I've grown to handle my disease and i've grown to handle the things i cannot change and meet head on the things i can.

I make it a point everyday to walk out of my house and give someone a smile..even if they dont smile back.

I've also found GOD and i know he loves me and u too.i know he has a great plan for my life and maybethis is itl. Reaching out to hurt people. I know what it's like to hurt,..i know inner pain. i know adversity. I'm much stronger than i used to be.. I'm begininning to take care of myself and love myself. U can't expect someone to love u of u don't love u.

If anyone else is hurting or suffereing please fee free to talk to me. Know that u are not alone and be thankful for what u DO have and the people that love u. U don't need a significant other to love u to have any self worth. It's ok to be alone.

You are never completely alone. YOu have me . :)

Innocent man spends 30 years in Prison

Cornelius Dupree Jr, 51, spent 30 years in prison for a robbery and rape he didn't ccommitt. He's finally been freed due to technological al advancements in DNA testing. He is just 1 of the 41 wrongfully convicted men freed by the Texas state over the last deccade.

Craig Watkins resposible for the release of of the right ones and not the wrong ones has the task of sifting throug the cases.

FOr Cornelius Dupree justice has finally been served.


Chris Brown receives death threats

Chris Brown and B2K rapper RazB are having a twitter feud. Raz B posted a video threatening to "put a mutha fu**cking pistol in Brown's mouth".

The threat is due to Raz B's reaction to Chris Brown's attack on Rihanna. The attack enraged rapper Raz B.

After that Chris Brown retaliated w/ racial and gay slurs directed at Raz.

Raz B's brother stepped in saying if he saw Chris Brown in LA he would put a gun in his mouth.

Late last nite Chris Brown retaliated again saying I'll be in LA real soon!!!!.

This is very scary, hopefully no one gets killed over matter how much Chris Brown deserves it.

DAMN! Can u say Camel Toe?

At a restaurant in Hollywood CHristina Aguilara lets it all hang out.

Christina must have wanted a bit of the spotlight after lady gaga was spotted shopping pantless.

To be honest , I don't think X-Tina gets enough credit. She's an excellent singer and doesn't need to sink this low.

GUCCI MANE admitted to Mental Institution

TMZ is reporting that 30 year old rapper Gucci Manes lawyer is claiming Gucci was not mentally competent enough to participate in his probation hearing.

The judge immeadiatly had teh rapper admitted to a facility.

He apparantly violated his probation by punching a man in the face last November.

Runner forgets where finish line is:ULTIMATE FAIL!

In a Japanese marathon a distance runner forgets where the finish line is. LMAO

Birds of Prey

The thousands of birds that have fallen form the sky on New Years Eve are beleived to have dies from massive trauma.

The birds were mostly red winged blackbirds and starlings.

Keith STephens reported the birds showed evidence of trauma in the breast tissue. Blood clots were also evident, along with internal bleeding.

Further testes will be done to rule out others causes, but there was no sign of any chronic or infectious diseases.

It is said that 4,000 to 5,000 birds had been found dead since Saturday.

Examinations of some of the birds showed trauma. They are saying the trauma was from the force of hitting the found when they fell from something that contacted them in the air.

In a separate incident of fallen red winged black birds, starlings and grackels were found dead in Louisiana in Labarre.

THe birds showed no evidence of trauma, according to Jim Lacouur, a veternarian with Wild Life and Fisheries. Samples have been sent in for testing.

I don't know about you but this sounds like something out of a Stephen King novel. Maybe it's completely superstitious.

10 year old murders mother

Deborah McVAy, shot by her 10 year old son. He is now in police custody today charged w/ her murder. Investigators recovered a 22 caliber rifle from his bedroom. His 15 year old sister was standing newby when it happend. (why didn't she try to stop him?).

His sister said her brother and her mother were arguing over chores on Sunday evening. THe 10 year old was supposed to bring in firewood and wasn't happy about it.

After the shooting he ran to a neighboors house and asked them to call the police saying "I need the squad, I need the police, I just shot my mom".

THe police found his mother laying on the living room floor w/ a gunshot wound to the bakc of her head. The boy said "It was an accident."

The 10 year old is in the cusotdoy of juvenille authorities and is charged with one count of murder.

This is a very sad story to me. I used to argue with my mom over chores but never thought oif killiing her. Kids nowa

Monday, January 3, 2011

Brad & Angelina Donate 2 million to African Charity

The Jolie-Pitt Foundation donated two million to the Na'an ku se Mission. The mission is for the conservation of land, cultures and wild life of Africa.

The missions directors Rudie and Malrice Vuuren have known Jolie and Pitt for many years. THey continue to be impressed by their contributions and hard work for the conservation of the land and it's people.

The section of the project will be in their daughters Shilohs name. "We want her to be very invlolved and grow up with the understanding of her place of birth.

Sayy What?

I didn't even know these two were together.

Former child star Macauly Culkin and <ila Kunis split. The couple started dating seven years ago. Sources say the  the split was amicable. Maybe they were bored of eachother? lol.

Drama occured for the couple since Milas career has sky rocketed since her role in Black Swan, she is based in LA, and Culkin is based in NY.

KUnis told us "he's an amazing guy who is probably the most brilliant person i've ever met.".

Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez

Does anyone else find this disgusting? Selena is 18 and Beiber is only 16. All i can say is BARF!

Tupac - Only God Can Judge Me

Lindsay Lohan extends her stay

Lindsays sources say she is legally allowed to leave rehab today...the star wants to extend her stay till the weekend to receive additional treatment.

She's also having her belongings moved from her apartment where the most drug use took place. She's taking precautions and moving to Venice Beach.She's leaving her old life behind her,

Afghan Women Speak out on Abuse

"I had so many dreams for my life". But they slowly faded away after her father forced her to marry a man against her will.Her father said,"you are of age to be married. This is my decision not urs".

After 3 days of marriage she realized she was married to a violent mad man.

speaking of her troubles behind her mask(burka), she let her emotions flow crying. In Afghanistan women are forbidden to speak of marital problems.

59%of marriages in Afghanistan are arranged. Of these 30% were exchange marriages, where men trade their daughters or female relatives for the sake of marriage.

Although there has been improvement since the movement of the Taliban there still needs to be exposure so we can stop the cycle of abuse and violence against women.

Incubus - Drive

New Years REsolution

I myself am also quitting my slef destructive tendencies. I loved to drink and smoke. I had to alter my mood cuz of the pain i was trying to cover up. From the support of a good friend in Germany I've decided to quit drinking, smoking and purging.

I've been bulemic for 3 years.  Sticking my fingers down my throat was some what psychological. Trying to get rid of what made me dirty and guilty. I was throwing up my negative thoughts the voices the shame. It felt good to throw up, i was addicted. No worrieds about calorie intake, i've lost 50 pounds too. I've also damaged my inseides cuz it got to the point of throwing up blood.

But no more. I'm 30 years old and need a change. From the support of friends and family i've decided to live a better life. I've become a new born Christian. I study the bible everyday. Knowing that Jess loves me and forgives my transgressions I can go on everyday shame free.

If anyone needs help or advice on quitting their destructive ways just talk to me. I'm a good girl gone bad gone good. :)

David Arquette Goes into REhab

After his split from wife Courtney Cox of 5 years David Arquette went on a bender to drown his sorrows. After a few weeks of drinking and partying David checked himself into rehab.

Courtney Cox rep says  "i'm proud that he's decided to take control of his life. I suppport and love him.

JOin the club David, I also am on the wagon.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zsa Zsa Gabor leg to be amputated

What started out as in infection, it was later found out it was a blood clot zsa zsa was suffering from. Sh'es been confined to a wheel chair since a 2002 car crash on Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles. Her leg will be amputated below the knee. Her husband is staying by her side....

Kanye West Drops New Album

Kanye West  comes out with his best work yet. Called My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. With appearances from John Legend this album is sheer genious. Orchestral bands and romantic drama puts this album at the top of my to buy list for 2011.

Sandra Bullock. People Magazines Woman of the Year.

With one of the toughest years behind her Sandra Bullock is focused on one thing. Her new edopted baby Louie. Her life now is about feeding, burping, and changing time.

After her 5 year marriage to checheating  Jesse James she never scoffed or said one bad thing about the situation. She managed to stay civil and graceful.

Now thinking of her next move, she has top pick of the most sought after scripts.

Good luivk Sandra..we're rootin for you.